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Shri Vasantrao Banduji Patil Trust’s

(Approved By: A.I.C.T.E, C.O.A, New Delhi, Affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur)


Exam Committee

Aim of Exam cell –
Exams are an essential tool that helps students to self-assess their academic abilities and areas where they need improvement and its pre part of external theory and oral examination.

The visions of the examination committee are:
• To keep providing qualitative and reliable educational assessment
• To keep encouraging students in getting academic excellence.
To frame procedures and rules in order to maintain good quality & reasonable standards in the assessment. To ensure that students participate in assessment process enthusiastically. To evaluate that the ultimate objectives of the courses have been achieved

• To evaluate the students’ performance by the conduction of examinations.
• Bringing more transparence in the examination and evaluation system.
• To produce knowledgeable Architects to the society.
• To bring eminent personalities to the college for evaluating the knowledge of the students.
• Helping the society for evaluating the stakeholders by conducting various competitive examinations.
• To increase the quality of internal examination and evaluation system for the betterment of the Students

Evaluation System
The subject of examination and evaluation occupies an important place in the field of education. It is necessary for parents and teachers to know from time to time how the pupils are progressing and what their attainments are at any particular stage